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Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Discover the incredible benefits of our Prenatal and Mums & Bubs yoga classes, as well as personalised private sessions at Beyond Yoga. Our carefully crafted Prenatal Yoga and Movement classes are designed to enhance your physical and mental well-being during pregnancy while preparing you for the birthing process and post-delivery period. Immerse yourself in our nurturing Mums & Bubs/Postnatal classes, fostering a deep bond between parent and baby and connecting with a supportive community.


Experience dedicated care and attention in our private sessions, tailored to address specific concerns like persistent pelvic girdle pain and lower back pain, pelvic floor dysfunctions, diastasis recti, VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caesarean) and recovery after a complicated birth. 


Led by experienced yoga teacher and mother Emma Chen. She is a certified specialist in Pre- & Postnatal Yoga and a Certified Body Ready Method pro®. Body Ready Method® is an evidence-based approach to prenatal preparation and birth support with certified BRM® Pros all over the world. Her classes and private sessions provide individualised support on your unique journey. Embrace the profound benefits of yoga during this incredible chapter of life at Beyond Yoga.


Want to learn more, find Emma on Instagram:                           

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Group Yoga Classes

Mums & Bubs Yoga II

Tuesdays 10am (60 mins)

Suitable for parents with babies age 4 months to slow crawlers.

Mums & Bubs Yoga I

Tuesdays 11:15am (60 mins)

Suitable for parents with babies age 6 weeks to pre-crawling.

Prenatal Yoga

Thursdays 7:30pm (75 mins)

Suitable for expectants mothers in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Breathe Move Birth Workshop

A comprehensive program designed to empower and prepare expectant parents for childbirth.

Saturday 28 March
11:15am - 5pm

Each Term we offer one Scholarship spot for both Prenatal Yoga and Mums and Bubs Yoga. Apply here >>


Private Sessions

Prenatal Private Class

Designed to meet your specific needs, our private prenatal yoga and functional movement class is ideal if:

  • You're experiencing persistent pregnancy pain like pelvic girdle pain (hip pain), (lower) back pain, sciatica nerve pain or round ligament pain;

  • You're dealing with pelvic floor symptoms or diastasis recti (abdominal separation);

  • You're feeling anxious about birth and want to better prepare for the delivery and postpartum period;

  • You're planning for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caesarean).


You and your birth partner are welcome to attend this session.

Postnatal Private Class

Designed to meet your specific needs, our private postnatal yoga and functional movement class is ideal if:

  • You're experiencing persistent post-delivery pain like pelvic girdle pain (hip pain), back pain, or shoulder/neck discomfort;

  • You're dealing with pelvic floor symptoms or diastasis recti (abdominal separation);

  • You're struggling to connect and activate your core, feeling numbness in that area;

  • You require specific guidance on recovering your body after a more complicated birth.


In this session, we welcome you, your partner, and your baby. 

  • 75 minute private session with pre- & postnatal yoga teacher Emma Chen

    1 hr 15 min

    160 New Zealand dollars

Online Prenatal Yoga Course

Support and love your pregnant body with this purposefully designed Online Prenatal Yoga course. The course includes five 30-minute long yoga classes that are suitable for those in their second or third trimester. You will learn about yoga techniques that can help with managing common pregnancy discomfort, as well as breathing techniques, and various positions one can use during birth. Bonus: book a Zoom consult with our teacher Emma.

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